By September 2020, the world had to come to terms with the inevitable: the second wave of Covid 19 was here. State of health emergency, curfew, reconfinement, schools, restaurants, public places closed. Several countries have had to review their measures to deal with a second wave that was more deadly than the first
A catastrophic end of the year 2020
The second wave of COVID 19 raged in France and everywhere else. It was different from the first wave. The circulation of the virus accelerated significantly from August 2020 onwards, before reaching a higher number of hospitalized people in mid-November than during the peak of the first wave in mid-April. In five months, nearly 32500 deaths have been quantified in France. The winter season did not help matters. The peak of this second wave has caused nearly 2.8 million deaths worldwide. The United States is the country with the most deaths with 549335 deaths followed by Brazil with 312206 deaths and Mexico with 201 623 deaths
At the end of November 2020, Africa was hit hard by a new outbreak of the virus. Until then, the continent had somewhat thwarted the predictions of an unprecedented crisis with a total of 1.95 million cases recorded, i.e. less than 4% of cases reported worldwide. Africa had managed to contain the virus, which had caused only 46,836 deaths in total, a rate of 2.4%. Nevertheless, towards the end of the month.
The current situation.
For several months, we have observed a decline in the virus. In France in particular, hospitalizations have greatly decreased in recent days. However, caution is still required with the fear of a possible fourth wave in the summer of 2021. Special measures have been taken in this sense, such as the quarantine of travelers from Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates for 10 days. This restriction also extends to India, Brazil, Chile, South Africa and Argentina. Vaccination continues all over the world, with the reinforcement of the respect of barrier measures.
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